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Economic downturn in the real estate market in Helsinki


Helsinki: is the real estate market on the verge of collapse? Analysis of the current situation and development prospects

The real estate market in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is going through difficult times. The economic downturn, caused by a number of factors, has a significant impact on the activity of buyers, sellers and investors. In this article we will look in detail at the reasons for the current situation, analyze the current state of the market and discuss possible scenarios for the near future.

Reasons for the economic downturn in the Helsinki real estate market: 

Global economic factors:
One of the main reasons for the economic downturn in the Helsinki real estate market is the general slowdown in the global economy. Geopolitical tensions, trade wars and instability in the financial markets have a negative impact on the investment climate and consumer confidence. This, in turn, affects real estate demand and construction volumes.

Local factors affecting the real estate market:
In addition to global economic trends, local factors also influence the Helsinki real estate market. These include demographic changes, migration processes, and the city government's urban planning and infrastructure development policies. An aging population and a slowdown in the inflow of foreign professionals may lead to a decrease in demand for housing in the long term. In addition, restrictions on new construction and revision of zoning regulations may affect the supply of real estate in the market.

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic:
The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has been a major test for the global economy, and the Helsinki real estate market was no exception. The imposition of restrictive measures, border closures and general uncertainty has led to a decline in business activity and consumer confidence. Many potential buyers and investors took a wait-and-see attitude, which had a negative impact on transaction volumes and construction rates.

Current situation on the real estate market in Helsinki

Dynamics of residential real estate prices:
According to Statistics Finland, residential real estate prices in Helsinki showed moderate growth in 2020, despite the general economic downturn. However, there was a slowdown in price growth in the first quarter of 2021, which may indicate the beginning of a correction in the market. The average price per square meter in new buildings in Helsinki was about 7,000 euros, and in the secondary market — about 6,000 euros.

Buyer and seller activity:
With economic uncertainty, many potential home buyers in Helsinki have taken a wait-and-see attitude. The volume of transactions in the real estate market in 2020 has decreased compared to previous years. However, thanks to low mortgage interest rates and government support programs, demand for real estate remains relatively stable. Sellers, in turn, are forced to be flexible in their pricing policies and make concessions to buyers in order to attract their attention in a highly competitive environment.

The state of the construction sector:
The economic downturn has had a significant impact on Helsinki's construction sector. Many development projects have been suspended or postponed due to lower demand and uncertainty in the market. In addition, constraints related to the COVID-19 pandemic have led to disruption of construction material supply chains and labor shortages. This, in turn, led to an increase in construction costs and lengthened project timelines.

Forecasts and prospects for the Helsinki real estate market

Short-term forecasts:
In the short term, experts expect the current trends in the Helsinki real estate market to continue. House prices are likely to remain stable or show moderate growth. Demand for real estate will depend on the general economic situation, unemployment rate and consumer confidence. New construction is expected to recover gradually as the pandemic situation stabilizes and economic conditions improve.

Medium and Long-Term Outlook:
In the medium to long term, the Helsinki real estate market will be influenced by a number of factors. Demographic changes, such as an aging population and a slowdown in the influx of foreign professionals, may lead to a decrease in demand for housing. On the other hand, urbanization and development of the city's infrastructure may increase Helsinki's attractiveness for living and working, which will have a positive impact on the real estate market.

Possible scenarios of developments:
There are several possible scenarios for the real estate market in Helsinki. In an optimistic scenario, a rapid global economic recovery and effective management of the effects of the pandemic will lead to an increase in demand for real estate and a revitalization of the construction sector. In the pessimistic scenario, a prolonged economic downturn and structural problems may lead to lower real estate prices and reduced construction volumes. The most likely scenario is a moderate one, in which the market will gradually recover and real estate prices will show moderate growth in the long term.

Advice for market participants

Tips for real estate buyers:
Buyers of real estate in Helsinki are advised to carefully weigh their financial capabilities and long-term plans. In conditions of economic uncertainty, it is important to have a stable source of income and sufficient savings. When choosing a property, you should pay attention to its location, transportation accessibility and the potential for renting or resale in the future. In addition, buyers are advised to carefully study the terms of mortgage lending and compare offers from different banks.

Recommendations for sellers:
Sellers of real estate in Helsinki should be prepared for a longer sales process and the possible need to adjust the price. To attract buyers, it is important to ensure that the property is in good condition, make cosmetic repairs and properly prepare it for viewings. Sellers are also advised to enlist the support of an experienced realtor to help properly evaluate the property, develop an effective marketing strategy and negotiate with potential buyers.

Strategies for investors:
Investors considering investing in Helsinki real estate are advised to exercise caution and carefully analyze market trends. In an economic downturn, it is important to choose properties with good location, stable rental flow and potential for long-term appreciation. Investors should also diversify their real estate portfolio by including properties of different types (residential, commercial) and located in different parts of the city. In addition, it is important to consider possible changes in tax laws and real estate market regulation that may affect the return on investment.

The economic downturn has had a significant impact on the Helsinki real estate market, leading to a decrease in buyer, seller and investor activity. However, despite the current difficulties, the long-term outlook for the market remains positive. Helsinki is an attractive city to live and work in, with a well-developed infrastructure and high quality of life. As the global economy recovers and adapts to the new realities, the demand for real estate in the Finnish capital will gradually grow.

Market participants — buyers, sellers and investors — are advised to be cautious, carefully analyze market trends and adapt their strategies to changing conditions. Flexibility, attention to detail and long-term planning will help you successfully navigate through the difficult economic conditions and make the most of the opportunities that the Helsinki real estate market offers. In any case, it is important to remember that the real estate market is cyclical, and periods of decline are inevitably followed by periods of growth. Those who are able to make informed decisions and maintain investment discipline in the current environment will be able to build a solid foundation for long-term success in the Helsinki real estate market.

1. Statistics Finland
2. Bank of Finland
3. Association of Realtors of Finland
4. Helsingin Sanomat 
5. Kauppalehti

About the author:
Matti Virtanen is an expert on the Finnish real estate market with 15 years of experience. He is an independent consultant and author of the blog “Asuntomarkkinat Suomessa” (Finnish Real Estate Market), where he shares his knowledge and analysis of current trends. Matti holds a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Helsinki and is a member of the Finnish Association of Realtors.

We hope that this detailed analysis of the Helsinki real estate market will help you better understand the current situation and make informed decisions about buying, selling or investing in real estate in the Finnish capital. Stay up to date with the latest news and follow our blog to stay informed about the real estate market in Helsinki and Finland in general.

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Thank you for your attention and see you on the pages of our blog!

Matti Virtanen
Real estate market expert in Finland

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