Real estate market growth in the UAE


Key drivers of real estate market growth in the UAE's most conservative emirate

The real estate market in the UAE's most conservative emirate has recently experienced a real boom. Real Estate Department experts note that this growth is due to three key factors: investor confidence in the market, the general economic recovery and constantly rising real estate prices.

According to the latest data, the volume of real estate transactions in the emirate increased by 30% compared to last year. Especially high demand is observed in the segment of luxury housing and commercial real estate. Analysts note that investors show great interest in the local real estate market, considering it reliable and promising. This is facilitated by the stable political situation in the emirate, as well as a favorable tax climate for foreign investments.

The economic recovery in the region also plays an important role in the growth of the real estate market. The increase in the number of jobs and rising incomes of the population lead to an increased demand for housing and office space. The constant rise in real estate prices makes investment in this sector particularly attractive. Over the past year, the average cost per square meter of housing in the emirate increased by 15%, and commercial real estate — by 20%.

Experts predict that the growth trend will continue in the coming years. It is expected that by 2025 the volume of investment in real estate in the emirate may increase by another 40-50%.

However, some analysts warn of possible risks of market overheating and call for caution. They recommend the authorities of the emirate to closely monitor the situation and, if necessary, take measures to stabilize the market. Despite these warnings, most experts agree that the real estate market in the conservative emirate of the UAE remains one of the most promising and attractive for investment in the region.

Real estate in UAE

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