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Work in Turkey: how to find, how much you can earn


Work in Turkey: how to find, how much you can earn

Work in Turkey: how to find, how much you can earn and how to apply for citizenship

Turkey is a magnet for labor migrants. It is one of the most popular destinations for labor migrants from different countries. Several factors contribute to this:
— Geographical proximity to the Central Asian republics and the Caucasus region.
— Common historical past and cultural proximity of some peoples.
— Active development of tourism and services, where Russian-speaking employees are in demand.

First of all, citizens of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Russia and other CIS countries consider Turkey as a place of work. It is important for Turkish employers that an employee has a good command of the Russian language — it simplifies communication with Russian-speaking tourists.

The most in-demand professions for foreigners

Since tourism is the key sector of the Turkish economy, the most vacancies are in the hospitality and entertainment sector. During peak seasons the most in demand are:
— Animators — provide entertainment and activities for hotel guests
— Guides and tour guides — introduce tourists to historical and cultural attractions
— Dancers — participate in show programs in hotels, restaurants and nightclubs.
— English teachers — give lessons to tourists and locals, especially relevant in summer
— Models — participate in advertising campaigns, fashion shows and other beauty industry events

These professions do not require high qualifications, the main thing is knowledge of the language, communication skills and willingness to work full-time.

Features of female employment

There is always a shortage of labor resources among women in Turkey. Therefore, there are more vacancies for foreign women than for men. Mainly the following professions are offered:
— Nannies and caregivers — with accommodation in the family to care for children or elderly people
— Maids — in hotels, hostels and private homes to clean and maintain rooms
— Nurses — in hospitals and other medical facilities where qualifications are required
— Waitresses — in restaurants, bars and cafes in popular tourist destinations
— Sewers and hairdressers — in ateliers, beauty salons and hairdressing salons, sometimes with on-site training.

Salaries in these fields are not very high — on average from $500-700 per month. However, employers often provide free accommodation and meals, which allows you to save a lot of money.

How to get legally employed in Turkey

To avoid problems with the law and not to become a victim of scammers, a foreigner needs an official work permit. For this purpose it is necessary to:

  1. Collect a package of documents — passport, education diploma, health and criminal record certificates, etc.
  2. Find an employer who is ready to issue a work permit. Usually the process takes 1-1.5 months.
  3. Read about the procedure of obtaining a permit on the official website of the Ministry of Labor of Turkey.

In no case should you agree to illegal employment “on a tourist” visa. Turkish authorities strictly monitor such violators. This can result in deportation and a ban on entry into the country.

The prospect of obtaining citizenship through the purchase of real estate

If you plan to tie your life with Turkey for a long time, it is worth thinking about Turkish citizenship. The passport of this country gives visa-free access to 110 countries of the world and the possibility of unlimited stay in Turkey. The fastest way to citizenship — participation in the state program, which allows you to get a Turkish passport for 3 months if you buy real estate worth $ 400 thousand.

Among other pluses of Turkish citizenship:
— The right to free education and medical care
— Opportunity to open your own business in Turkey
— Facilitated procedure for obtaining visas to the U.S., Canada, UK
— The prospect to travel and live freely in countries that have visa-free regime with Turkey.


Turkey is an attractive destination for labor migrants from the former Soviet Union, especially in the tourism and service sectors. There are always vacancies for Russian-speaking employees here, and the employment procedure is quite simple. However, in order not to have problems with the law, it is important to comply with the rules of official registration for work and do not give in to the entreaties of unscrupulous employers.

And the purchase of real estate in Turkey opens the possibility of quickly obtaining local citizenship and unlimited access to the labor market. If you are interested in the prospects of employment and citizenship in Turkey, we invite you to get acquainted with the real estate offers on our platform Centrarium.com. Our experts are ready to provide advice on all issues and find the ideal real estate option for your goals and budget.

Do not miss the opportunity to start a new life in sunny Turkey and realize your professional potential in this dynamically developing country!

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